August 13, 2024

How Mixmax SDRs Use Mixmax to Book More Meetings: A Day in the Life

How Mixmax SDRs Use Mixmax to Book More Meetings: A Day in the Life

Sales development reps (SDRs) know that every day presents a new opportunity to connect with potential customers and set the stage for successful sales. But with all the tasks an SDR needs to juggle, having the right tools can make all the difference. 

That’s where Mixmax comes in 👀.

I recently chatted with Brandon Butron, our Lead SDR at Mixmax, to get a glimpse into his daily routine and how he leverages Mixmax to make his outreach more effective, personal, and efficient. 

Here’s a closer look at how he uses Mixmax to drive more conversations and book more meetings.


Start the day with real-time insights

Brandon kicks off his day by diving into the Live Feed in Mixmax. 

This is where he gets a real-time view of how his outreach is performing. He can see who’s opening his emails, who’s clicking on links, and who’s engaging with his content the most.

Mixmax Outlook Live FeedThis real-time data allows Brandon to prioritize his follow-ups. If a prospect has opened an email multiple times or clicked on a link, that’s his cue to reach out with a call or a personalized email. 

It’s all about striking while the iron is hot.

Stay on track with Tasks

Next up, Brandon heads over to the Tasks section. Let’s be honest—SDRs live and die by their task lists. 

Mixmax’s Tasks feature keeps Brandon organized and on top of his game. Whether he’s making calls, sending emails, or connecting on LinkedIn, everything he needs to do is laid out clearly.

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One of the things Brandon loves about Mixmax is how it simplifies his workflow. Soon, he’ll even be able to manage SMS tasks from the same dashboard, streamlining his day even further. 

No more switching between tools—Mixmax has it all in one place.

Related post: How Mixmax’s Account Executives Use Mixmax to Win More Deals


Zero in on the most engaged prospects

One of the standout features for Brandon is the Contacts Dashboard. This tool is a game-changer for SDRs because it ranks contacts based on their engagement levels


The “highly engaged” label highlights the prospects who are most interested in what Brandon’s offering, so he knows exactly where to focus his energy.

Instead of spreading himself too thin, Brandon can zero in on the prospects who are most likely to convert, making his outreach more efficient and effective.

Personalize & collaborate with the Sidebar

Mixmax’s Sidebar within the inbox is another tool Brandon relies on to keep his outreach personal and collaborative. 

The Side Chat feature allows him to bring colleagues into email threads effortlessly. For example, he often loops in an Account Executive (AE) on an email thread to ensure they’re fully up to speed before a demo. This level of collaboration ensures a seamless experience for the prospect and increases the likelihood of closing the deal.


What’s more, the Sidebar lets Brandon make calls, send SMS, and update Salesforce records—all without leaving his inbox. It’s all about maximizing efficiency while keeping the focus on building strong relationships.

Sidebar small

Increase reply rates with interactive email widgets

Email engagement is the lifeblood of any SDR’s work, and Mixmax’s email enhancements widgets are designed to boost reply rates. 

Brandon is a big fan of using polls within his email sequences. These polls make it easy for recipients to respond with just one click, which has been shown to increase reply rates by up to 40%.

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Another favorite feature of his is Mixmax’s One-click scheduler. 

Unlike traditional scheduling tools that require multiple steps, Mixmax’s tool lets prospects book time with just one click. It’s faster, easier, and can be custom-branded, which adds a professional touch to every interaction.

Mixmax Scheduling

Optimize email send times with AI

Last but not least, Brandon uses Mixmax’s AI email scheduler, AI Smart Send, to ensure his emails land in prospects’ inboxes at the perfect time. This feature analyzes recipient data to suggest the best times for email delivery, helping to boost open rates and, ultimately, book more meetings.


Wrapping up

For SDRs like Brandon, Mixmax isn’t just a tool—it’s an essential part of the daily workflow. From real-time insights to personalized outreach, Mixmax helps SDRs work smarter, engage more effectively, and ultimately drive better results.

If you’re an SDR looking to up your game, take a page out of Brandon’s playbook and see how Mixmax can help you connect with more prospects and book more meetings. After all, success in sales is all about using the right tools to make the most of every opportunity.

You deserve a spike in replies, meetings booked, and deals won.

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