Corrosion Protection – CMDC Supporting the Masonry Design Community Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:34:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Corrosion Protection – CMDC 32 32 CMDC Collaborates with Researchers and CSA to Publish Report on Adapting Codes and Standards to Climate Change Mon, 05 Apr 2021 18:24:22 +0000 A detailed look into how Masonry Codes and Standards might be impacted by Climate Change

A new report published by CSA Group and authored in partnership with CMDC has just been published and is available for viewing on their website press release, linked here.

Click here to view the Executive Summary (hosted on CSA’s Website)

The linked page includes the full executive summary with a link to download the full report on the left side of the page (at the top of the article if reading on mobile)

Authored by Adrien Sparling, Dan Palermo, Ph.D., P.Eng., and Usman T Khan, Ph.D., P.Eng. at York University, the report explores the various ways in which masonry related CSA Standards may be impacted by or could be improved to consider the effects of climate change.

Specifically, the report dives into how corrosion resistance is evaluated for masonry connectors, as well as how durability is evaluated against freeze-thaw cycling. It also makes recommendations regarding quantifying and reducing C02 emissions and energy usage.

Which standards were included in this study?

The following masonry standards were examined as part of this report:

  • CSA A82:14 – Fired masonry brick made from clay or shale
  • CSA A165 Series-14 – CSA Standards on concrete masonry units
  • CAN/CSA-A179-14 – Mortar and grout for unit masonry
  • CSA A370:14 – Connectors for masonry
  • CSA-A371-14 – Masonry construction for buildings
  • CSA S304-14 – Design of masonry structures

Read through the summary and download the full report today

The executive summary along with a download link can be found on CSA’s website:

Click here to view the Executive Summary (hosted on CSA’s Website)

To download the report, a link is available on the left side near the top of the page:

This report demonstrates just one way in which CMDC is active in the code and standards development process.
