uninstall – CMDC https://www.canadamasonrydesigncentre.com Supporting the Masonry Design Community Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:35:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.canadamasonrydesigncentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-android-chrome-512x512-1-32x32.png uninstall – CMDC https://www.canadamasonrydesigncentre.com 32 32 What to do about MASS software crashes https://www.canadamasonrydesigncentre.com/software/what-to-do-about-mass-software-crashes/ Thu, 25 Aug 2016 20:13:46 +0000 http://www.canadamasonrydesigncentre.com/?p=5513 Before you light your computer on fire, try these fixes to get you back up and running

While the majority of our users are using MASS trouble-free, we get calls and emails from time to time about crashes that usually have a simple fix. These steps will get you back up and running as quickly as possible.

1. Uninstall MASS (including old versions you may still have) then reinstall

You can view installed programs and select MASS to uninstall through the Control Panel. Once you have MASS uninstalled, you can then reinstall the newest version which will hopefully solve your issue. Note that uninstalling and reinstalling MASS will not affect your activation so you do not need to worry about having to reactivate.

Click here for instructions on how to get a new MASS installer

If you have your serial number and know the email address of the account used to purchase your license, you can visit our upgrades page to download the newest version available. Note that at the time of posting this article, MASS Version 2.2 was the newest version available. The Upgrades page is kept up to date as new versions are released.

Crash article 5 download upgrade

If you are logged in to the MASS website, view your user dashboard and select the “DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE option on the right.

Crash article 4 download program

You can then run this file to install MASS on your computer

2. Try running MASS as an administrator or with administrator rights.

While this might not be an option for someone working within a large company who may have to go through their IT department, users using MASS on their own computers can run MASS as an administrator to see if that solves their issue. If the problem is solved then you know that user permissions were causing the problem.

Click here for instructions on running programs with administrator rights

The easiest way to run MASS as an administrator is to fine MASS in your windows start menu and right click on the application, selecting the “Run as administrator” option.You can quickly find MASS by searching in the search bar found at the bottom of the start menu.

Crash article 6 run as administrator start menu

The screenshot above was taken using Windows 10 but the same can be done using Windows 7 and 8.

You can also navigate to MASS in your file explorer by opening “My computer” (Windows 7 and 8) or “This PC” (Windows 10) and going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Masonry Analysis Structural Systems. Right click on MASS.exe and select the “Run as administrator” option.

Crash article 7 run as administrator file explorer

3. Contact MASS Support

Unlike many companies who will try and divert you to their self-directed online support, we actually encourage everyone to just call or email when something comes up. We don’t want you wasting time when someone can get you on your way in no time at all!

Click here to visit the CMDC contact page (CMDC is the authorized support provider of the MASS software)

Click here to visit the MASS website contact support page

There are different types of crashes that can happen when using MASS. An important detail to note or pass along to myself or Luisa is what you were doing immediately before MASS crashed on you. Were you just opening the software for the first time? Were you trying to print? Did you open your 101st shear wall in the same project file? These details are very helpful in getting you back up and running as quickly as possible.

Bonus: Specific MASS crash you might be dealing with

Does this look familiar? It appears when first clicking to launch the MASS software.

Crash article 1

Click here for full error message in text format

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.

Parameter name: length

at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)

at Masonry.UserInterface.DashBoardScreen.,ctor(MainFrame mainFrameParent)

as Masonry.UserInterface.App.Main(String[] args)

We added this to help people who might be Googling this specific problem. You’re welcome :)

This is an error that some users experienced after using MASS Version 2.2 having to do with the “Recent Projects” pane added to the left hand side of the welcome screen. What is happening here is MASS is trying (unsuccessfully) to load up the list of most recently worked on projects. The fix is fairly simple: Go to the location of the Recent Projects file and delete it, resetting the reference and solving the crash. The one downside of this fix is that your list of projects will be cleared, as if you were running MASS for the first time.

To find the file, go to your user folder (bcrumb in my screenshot below) and open the MASS folder where you can find and delete Recent.txt.

Crash article 8 Recent Projects

Once that folder is deleted, you should be good to go!

For all other inquiries, please to not hesitate to contact us!
