compressive strength – CMDC Supporting the Masonry Design Community Thu, 29 Feb 2024 19:27:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 compressive strength – CMDC 32 32 Carleton University Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:16:22 +0000

CMDC has worked in collaboration with Ehab Zalok and Edward G. Sherwood from Carleton University.

Supporting Innovation through Research Partnerships

Work has been conducted on the following projects:

Fire Resistance of Masonry

Project Summary:

Masonry materials have been relied upon extensively over the last century as an effective form of fire barrier in buildings. The goals of this research project are to: develop the next-generation of masonry fire performance standards, improve fire-rated masonry assemblage design and construction, optimize masonry unit manufacturing for fire resistance and facilitate robust post-disaster assessment of fire damaged masonry.

A series of experimental tests will be conducted on the fire performance of full sized non-loadbearing (partition) masonry walls, and small-scale assemblages to quantify the effects of a variety of parameters on heat and mass transfer, fire endurance, and mechanical behavior and residual strength of typical and prototype concrete blocks and masonry assemblages.

Recent NAMC Articles:

Pope H. and Zalok E. (2019, June). “The Effect of Fire Temperatures on the Mechanical Performance of Concrete Masonry Materials.” In P.B. Dillon & F.S. Fonseca (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth North American Masonry Conference. Paper presented at the 13th North American Masonry Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah (pp. 252–264). Longmont, CO: The Masonry Society.

Shear Design of Masonry

Project Summary:

Unlike flexural failures, shear failures in masonry are brittle and sudden. When they occur, they do so with little or no warning, and absorb little energy. Furthermore, they are less predictable than flexural failures due to considerably more complex failure mechanisms. While accurate flexural design provisions have been based on the rational assumption that plane sections remain plane, shear design procedures have traditionally relied upon empirical, restricted equations. As such, the search continues for shear design procedures that are as accurate as flexural procedures, based on equally rational assumptions.

Select Journal Articles:

Sarhat, Salah, and Edward Sherwood. “Shear strength of GFRP-reinforced concrete masonry beams.” In Masonry 2018. ASTM International, 2018.

Sarhat, Salah R., and Edward G. Sherwood. “Does the size effect exist in reinforced masonry?.” ACI Special Publication 328 (2018): 5-1.

Compressive Strength of Concrete Block Masonry

Project Summary:

Accurately predicting the compression strength of masonry is very important in design of masonry structures, as it is often the basis of designs. However, determining the compression strength of masonry is not a simple task. This is because each material (hollow concrete masonry blocks, mortar, and possibly grout) has different material properties and responds in a different non-linear manner when subjected to compression.

Masonry design codes generally provide two methods to determine compression strength: masonry prism testing or unit strength. The first method, masonry prism testing, consists of constructing three to five masonry prisms with site representative materials; testing the prisms under compressive loading; and correcting the average compression strength determined from testing by a factor that accounts for the height to thickness ratio of the tested prisms. This method has certain practical limitations in terms of the complexities of transporting samples and the capacity and size of available testing machines. Furthermore, there are disagreements on the values of the height to thickness correction factors as each international code provides different values. The second method, known as the unit strength method, involves testing individual samples of masonry component materials. In this approach, the compressive strength of masonry is estimated by either an equation or through tabulated values based on block strength, mortar type or strength, and possibly grout strength.

Specifying Concrete Masonry Units Fri, 20 Oct 2023 17:11:00 +0000

How do I know I am specifying the right blocks for the job?

Concrete masonry units are produced in Canada with a variety of properties based on their constituent materials, geometry, and moisture content to suit various structural and non-structural applications. High strength units may be needed for some loadbearing applications; hollow units may be needed to construct reinforced masonry walls or semi-solid units for a higher fire resistance rating; certain low-density concrete masonry units also have increased fire resistance; in some cases, moisture-controlled units can be used to better anticipate moisture movement and cracking. The CSA A165.1-14 Concrete block masonry units sets out a four-facet system that allows a designer clearly specify units with the properties required for their project.

Part of our Masonry Specification Series

Offering recommendations accompanied with background explanatory material to explain how these recommendations were formed. Click here to see the full series.


The information contained here is intended to serve as educational content for designers, specifiers, or contractors. It is not to be relied upon for formal technical advice, as masonry projects may have details and considerations that are unique to a particular project and may be beyond the scope of the content of this page.


Specify concrete masonry units through the four-facet system in accordance with CSA A165.1-14. The details and an example are shown below in the discussion.

Additional and superfluous requirements, such as specifying a manufacturing or curing method, will not guarantee a higher quality product and may increase costs by restricting the pool of manufacturers.


CSA A165.1-14 Concrete block masonry units outlines a four-facet system to identify concrete masonry units (see CSA A165.1-14, Table 1).

Understanding the 4-facet system

The four facets are explained below. These four facets completely define the characteristics of the block, according to the standard, and no further clarification is required.

1. Solid content

The first facet indicates the solid content of the units. Hollow units, whose solid content is generally between 50 and 55%, are designated by the letter “H”; semi-solid units, with a solid content exceeding 75%, are designated by the letters “SS”; and solid units, the net cross-section of which is equal to 100% of the gross section (without voids), are designated by the letters “SF”.

2. Specified Compressive Strength

The second facet indicates the specified compressive strength of the units: 10 for 10 MPa, 15 for 15MPa, 20 for 20MPa, etc.

For a concrete masonry unit to meet the requirements at a given specified strength, there is a statistical formula that must be satisfied within the block standard, CSA A165.1-14, that is based on 95% confidence of exceeding that specified strength. For example, a specified 15 MPa block would test around 18 MPa on average, and required to be stronger than that depending on the scatter of the testing results. Manufacturers are also required by CSA A165 to have compression testing for each mix design done within the last year, serving as an additional measure for quality assurance that is built into the standard.

Designers should note that higher strength units are not inherently “better” than the lowest strength that otherwise meet the structural design requirements. By simply specifying CMU following the 4-facet system and referencing CSA A165.1-14, the provisions discussed here are automatically included and there is no need to add further conservatism by further increasing the specified compressive strength.

3. Density

The third facet indicates the density and maximum water absorption of the units: “A” for a normal density (greater than 2000 kg/m3) with a maximum absorption of 175 kg/m3; “B” for a density of 1800 to 2000 kg/m3 and a maximum absorption of 200 kg/m3; etc.

Units are typically specified as either Type A (“normal”) density, or Type C (“lightweight”) density. Depending on the concrete mix used to achieve the lightweight, Type C density classification, there may be increase in the fire resistance rating that can be considered using the equivalent thickness pathway within the National Building Code of Canada.

4. Moisture control

The fourth facet indicates whether the units are moisture-controlled (type “M”) or whether there is no limit to the moisture content (type “O”). Moisture-controlled units have different humidity limits depending on the total linear drying shrinkage. It is generally recommended not to specify moisture controlled units and to accommodate shrinkage through the regular placement of movement joints.

4-facet Example

A concrete block can be specified as follows: H/15/A/O which would translate to a hollow unit, with a specified compressive strength of at least 15 MPa, normal density, and not requiring additional moisture control measures.

These four facets completely define the characteristics of the block, according to the standard, and no further clarification is required. The standard allows producers flexibility to meet these and other requirements of the standard through different modes of production. For example, the standard does not distinguish between a block that is cured at room temperature or high temperature, or at normal atmospheric pressure or autoclaved, or if the blocks are produced with new technology. In all cases, the minimum strength, shrinkage and absorption limits, and dimensional and cracking tolerances (and other aesthetic aspects) are the same, according to the standard, for all blocks designated with the same four facets. Therefore, all blocks that comply with CSA A165.1 and are designated with the same four facets are considered aesthetically and structurally equivalent, under the standard, including for differential movements.

Part of our Masonry Specification Series

Offering recommendations accompanied with background explanatory material to explain how these recommendations were formed. Click here to see the full series.

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CMDC is made up of offices across Canada, connecting you with support through our team of technical staff.

Providing clarity and raising issues before they turn into real problems

As part of our overall effort to educate the design community and our contractor members, CMDC has compiled a collection of articles meant to address common areas of misunderstanding or confusion that have resulted in issues in past projects.

How to use MASS to Design Walls that Span Horizontally Thu, 12 Jan 2017 21:02:11 +0000 Getting the most out of MASS is easy once you understand how to model your design within the software

The vast majority of masonry walls designed to resist out-of-plane bending are supported at the top and bottom, spanning vertically. Once you start looking at designs where a wall is spanning horizontally between columns, intersecting walls, or other supports, you are no longer within the scope of MASS. This does not mean that MASS cannot be a useful tool in designing a  horizontally spanning wall! Continue reading to see how you can manipulate the software to assist you in your design.

For a quick checklist summary, click here to jump down the the end of this post.

Horizontal spanning wall post 1 actual vs mass

Disclaimer: By using MASS to design horizontally spanning walls, it is up to you, the engineer, to ensure that all of the differences between vertical and horizontal spanning walls are properly accounted for within MASS. If there is any doubt of having a complete and comprehensive understanding of how to model these differences, it is best to perform these calculations by hand.

In order to design a horizontal span using the MASS wall module, it is important to understand the key differences between vertical and horizontal spans:

  1. Geometry

  2. Masonry strength in relation to the masonry bond pattern

  3. Axial load

Before diving into these differences one by one, it is first valuable to review the base assumptions that area made within the MASS out-of-plane wall module. These cannot be changed and must be accounted for in other ways.

  1. The wall is supported at the top and bottom
  2. The masonry units are placed horizontally, with the bed joint parallel to the ground
  3. Moment resisting reinforcement is placed vertically in the masonry cells

Horizontal spanning wall post 2 mass assumptions

Even with these constraints built into the software, it is possible to accurately analyze and design a horizontally spanning wall using MASS.

Assemblage Geometry

When designing a horizontal span using MASS, there is no way to change the orientation of the entire wall. As mentioned above, the supports are always placed on the top and bottom of the wall so to account for this, the actual wall being modeled must be rotated 90 degrees to turn a horizontal span to a vertical span within MASS. This same principle applies to the span length, which must be input in MASS as the wall height.

Horizontal spanning wall post 3 span to mass height

When making the 90 degree rotation, everything about the wall is rotated – including the orientation of the bond pattern! This leads us to the next item in need of consideration…

Masonry strength in relation to bond pattern

Unless you are building a wall with units stacked on their sides, there is no way to alternate the bond pattern within MASS to have the software automatically take this into account on your behalf.

Unlike poured concrete, masonry assemblages do not have the same tensile and compressive physical properties in all directions. The direction of the bond pattern matters and is taken into account within the CSA S304 design standard for both unreinforced and reinforced masonry.

Unreinforced walls in bending depend on tensile strength

The bending capacity of horizontal spanning walls is generally governed by the tensile strength of the masonry assemblage, ft (See note below for exceptions). Vertically spanning walls have a continuous bed joint where a crack is likely to form without intersecting the unit itself. This results in the vertically spanning tensile strength being less than that for horizontally spanning walls, working to your advantage by increasing the wall’s bending capacity!

Horizontal spanning wall post 5 tensile failure vert vs horz span

This is taken into account in the CSA S304-14 in Table 5 where the distinction is made between tensile strength normal and parallel to the bed joint.

Horizontal spanning wall post 6 table 5 ft values 2014Note the bottom * indicating that these only apply for 50% running bond pattern. Sorry stack pattern fans! You’re stuck using 0.40MPa.

Click here to see S304-14 Table 5 full notes

Click again to hide expanded Table 5 notes.

Horizontal spanning wall post 7 table 5 notes - ft values 2014

2014 edition is shown here and has not been changed from 2004.

Changing tensile strength in MASS

You can account for this change within MASS by unchecking the “Auto” functionality and manually typing in the correct value to be used in your design.

Horizontal spanning wall post 8 changing ft in MASS

For example, if designing an unreinforced block wall, the corresponding Table 5 value for ft is 0.80MPa for horizontal spans. Since the default value MASS would normally use for a vertical span is 0.40MPa, the “Auto” box can be unchecked and 0.4MPa can be replaced with 0.8MPa.

Keep in mind that when “Auto” is deselected, all 4 values must be entered, including the ones that may not be relevant.

Note: Due to the nature of horizontally spanning walls having little or no applied axial loads, unreinforced walls spanning horizontally are typically governed by tensile strength.  As is the case for vertically spanning unreinforced walls, there are other failure modes that must also be considered (linear compression of masonry, maximum allowable eccentricity, and ultimate compression at failure) however these all become important with the presence of applied axial load. Provided that there is no axial load and 0.6f’m is greater than ft, failure of the extreme tensile edge will govern the wall’s capacity.

Reinforced walls in bending must have their compressive strength adjusted as well

The introduction of reinforcement to your design allows the wall to bend well beyond its linear elastic capacity crack and have all tensile forces resisted by horizontally placed steel. The ultimate compression strength that couples with this steel still needs to be manually adjusted to take into account the direction of compressive stress relative to the direction which f’m is based upon. The CSA S304 standard uses the chi factor to accomplish this in clause 10.2.6.

Horizontal spanning wall post 14 S304 10 2 6 clause 2014

While MASS assumes that the head joint is perpendicular to the supported edges, it is in fact parallel for a horizontally spanning wall which must be taken into account by chi which ranges from 0.5 to 1.0, seen below:

Horizontal spanning wall post 12 chi factor explained

For horizontally spanning walls, any compression force that is coupling with reinforcement must use the correct value of the chi factor which for vertically spanning out-of-plane wall is always 1.0. Click here to read more about the chi factor and masonry beam design. Whether or not the correct chi value is 0.5 or 0.7 depends on whether the compression zone exceeds the face shell thickness, extending into the grouted cells. MASS automatically changed chi for beam design as beams are within the originally intended scope of MASS. For horizontal wall spans, it must be manually checked. Using 0.5 without checking is conservative but taking advantage of chi = 0.7 is very easy to check. Upon completing a moment and deflection design, multiply the neutral axis depth, c, by Beta1 (0.8 for nearly all cases) and compare that value to the thickness of the masonry unit face shell thickness.

Table 4 is shown below for quick reference of f’m values before the chi reduction factor is applied:

Horizontal spanning wall post 9 Table 4 comp strength 2014 edition

Click to view Table 4 Notes as well as 2004 edition

Click again to hide expanded Table 4 notes.

Horizontal spanning wall post 10 Table 4 notes comp strength 2014 edition

Table 4 has been slightly changed from the 2004 edition. One change in particular is the increase in hollow strength of a 15MPa unit from 9.8mPa to 10.0MPa.

Horizontal spanning wall post 11 Table 4 comp strength 2004 edition

Changing compression strength in MASS

The reduction in f’m can be taken into account by unchecking the “Auto” selection box for masonry strength and manually typing in the adjusted value. For a 15MPa block, the corresponding grouted compressive strength is 7.5MPa (Table 4, above) and the reduction factor, chi, for interrupted grout is 0.5. To account for this in MASS, a custom grouted strength of 3.75MPa can be entered. In the event that the compression zone does not extend into the grouted cells, it is better the ignore the effects of grout and use only the compressive strength of the bonded face shell area. Not only can you take advantage of using a higher f’m value, but you also no longer have any interrupted grout and a chi value of 0.7 can be used. For that same 15MPa unit, hollow f’m is 10MPa (Table 4, above) so to account for this in MASS, a custom hollow f’m value of 7MPa can be specified.

Continuing from the earlier unreinforced example, these changes can be made to MASS by changing the solid and hollow custom f’m values.

Horizontal spanning wall post 13 f'm auto changed

MASS automatically assigns hollow and grouted f’m values to each part of a partially grouted wall cross section. By applying a reduction of 0.7 to the hollow strength and a 0.5 reduction to the grouted strength, MASS will correctly take each chi factor into account. As a bonus, MASS will also check the capacity of the wall ignoring the effects of grout which can will provide an even higher moment resistance for cases where the compression zone extends barely beyond the face shell.

Once this change is made, MASS will use the entered values rather than using the ones from CSA S304 Tables 4 and 5.

Axial Load

As is always the case for regular wall design, axial loads (dead, live, snow, and wind uplift) work in combination with the internal coupling stresses of masonry in compression and steel in tension to resist out-of-plane loading. A key difference for horizontal spans is that unless there is an applied horizontal compression force on the wall, the internal forces resisting bending are acting perpendicular to the vertical axial loads (including self-weight). When determining the strain profile at failure for bending in the horizontal direction, there is no added compression force resisted by the cross section to resist applied axial loads.

Ensuring zero axial load in MASS

At first glance, this sounds like something that doesn’t need added consideration. After all, how difficult is it to not apply axial loads? The thing to keep in mind is that MASS automatically calculates and applies self-weight to wall designs by default. To perform a design with a factored axial load of zero, simply uncheck the self-weight option at the bottom of the MASS Loads tab and check that your Pf and Pr values are actually 0.0kN.

Horizontal spanning wall post 15 turning off self-weight and checking Pf for zero

Check wall in vertical direction

If there are vertical loads applied on the horizontally spanning wall, the wall must still be able to resist those loads as well as the corresponding accidental eccentricity in accordance with CSA S304-14: 7.7.3 or 10.7.2 for unreinforced and reinforced walls, respectively:

Horizontal spanning wall post 16 S304 checking minimum primary moment

This means creating a new wall design where the wall is modeled normally (height of horizontally spanning wall is actually input as the height – imagine that) with only the axial loads applied. MASS will take these minimum primary moment clauses into account on your behalf when checking the wall.

Final Summary

As a quick and easy recap, three key aspects of horizontal bending can be considered to design horizontally spanning walls using the MASS Walls module.

  1. Assemblage Geometry

    • Rotate the wall 90 degrees and enter the horizontal span as the height in MASS

      • While MASS thinks it is designing an effective m length of wall, making this adjustment allows MASS to be useful for designing an effective m height of wall
  2. Masonry Strength relative to bond pattern

    • For unreinforced masonry, manually adjust ft in MASS based on CSA S304-14: Table 5

      • Hollow ft can be increased from 0.4MPa to 0.8MPa and grouted ft can be increased from 0.65MPa to 0.85MPa.
      • This only applies to 50% running bond (stack pattern exempt)
    • For reinforced masonry, manually adjust f’m in MASS based on CSA S304-14: 10.2.6

      • Hollow f’m in MASS must be reduced, multiplied by chi = 0.7
      • Grouted f’m in MASS must be reduced, multiplied by chi = 0.5
  3. Axial Loads

    • Ensure that factored axial load and axial load resistance are both zero

      • Uncheck the apply self-weight option in the loads tab which is enabled by default
    • Confirm that wall still has adequate capacity to resist the applied vertical loads.

      • Create a new wall module with only axial loads applied to check capacity in the vertical direction

Upon taking these items into consideration for your design, designing walls that span horizontally is a breeze!

As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all.

CMDC is the authorized service provider for the MASS software which is a joint effort of between CCMPA and CMDC.
